Jeffrey D Brown

About Jeffrey D Brown

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So far Jeffrey D Brown has created 12 blog entries.

We’re Interested in Your Stories

One of the many things we’re going to be doing during our Year-Long Reunion is publishing interesting and shareable stories about our classmates from the last 50 years as features. We’re sure there is no shortage of these. The challenge is always coaxing them out of folks. Not everybody wants to share their life […]

2017-05-07T17:08:55-07:00May 7th, 2017|Reunion News|2 Comments

Welcome to Foothill 68 – The Reunion

On behalf of the Official Committee for the 50th Reunion of the Foothill High School Class of 1968, we welcome you. We’re happy to announce that work has begun on the project. While progress has already been made, much will be done over the coming weeks and months.

Our first meeting took place on March 25, 2017 […]

2018-07-08T19:00:24-07:00April 19th, 2017|Reunion News|0 Comments
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