We’re happy to announce that after lengthy consideration, we’ve selected our friendly and familiar local venue, the Black Marlin in downtown Tustin to hold our First Annual October68 Reunion Meetup scheduled for Saturday, October 12, 2019 from 5:00 pm to 9:00 pm (or later).

Why Did We Select the Black Marlin?

It’s a good question, one that we had to answer ourselves. Initially, we were looking for a slightly different kind of venue that would be unique and unusual. Unfortunately, we don’t have a huge budget for this event. We have some budget and are hoping to increase that with your help. But the bottom line was, everything we were looking at was simply too much money. This, after all, is not a full-blown reunion where we can spend $20,000 (which is roughly what the big reunion cost in full).

Earlier this year, I had a chance to work with the folks at the Black Marlin on another project and got to know them. As we began looking around for venues for this event, I wasn’t considering them for no other reason than I had a different vision. A narrower vision. And of course, what happens when we setup a narrow vision or expectation for something we’re trying accomplish? If you answered, “You close off access to all the other possible pathways for getting where you want to go,” you’d be correct. I’ve written and spoken on this topic many times and obviously, in this case, I was not taking my own advice.

So, out of the frustration of not finding what I thought we were looking for, I decided to open the windows of opportunity much wider and allow the solution to drift in, which, accordingly it did. For those of you who’ve attended events or eaten at the Black Marlin, you’ll see something different this time. In addition to the semi-covered patio area, we’re putting up a large party tent adjacent where we will have our bar, more seating, tables and whatever else seems appropriate (like people).

The Black Marlin has character. It’s got the right location and it’s familiar. Perfect for a casual meetup, but with the Foothill 68 touch. We also couldn’t see getting a sterile room someplace and just hang out. Not our style. And, in the words of my colleagues on the project, “it’s gonna be terrific.”

A Few More Details

So, you may be asking, is it going to cost anything? YES… but not much. We have to pay for amenities, tent, extra chairs, tables, food and whatever else we are able to add to the mix. And you know we always add to the mix. So the basic ticket cost will be $10. A deluxe ticket is $25 and will include a printed, full-color Collector’s Edition of our fabulous 50th Reunion Memory Book. As usual, we’ll have opportunities for those who would like to help us add to the mix.

Between now and October 12, we’ll be working diligently to make this the best Meetup possible. We also hope to see many of you who were unable to make it to the Reunion last summer. We’d love to see you.

The sooner we know roughly how many are coming, the better. Based on our initial interest list, I think we’ll have a good crowd. But we have to let the Black Marlin know so they can provide the right level of service.

Got questions? Need help? You know how to reach us. But in case you forgot, visit this page.

Thanks and hope to see you soon,
